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KinderNurture Organic Brown Rice Puffs – Strawberry, 40g



KinderNurture Organic Brown Rice Puffs are the perfect on-the-go snack for our little ones! Our puffs are 100% natural, made with organic ingredients, with no added sugar, salt, or preservatives. They are also halal-certified and gluten-free.

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SKU: KN-0012 Category:

Additional information

Dimensions 15 × 6.4 × 21.6 cm




Brown Jasmine Rice, Corn Flour, Strawberry Powder

Suggested Uses

Suitable for little ones aged 9 months and above. For babies who just started solids, mix puffs with milk to make it softer. Also, great to serve as a healthy snack or breakfast for toddlers, kids, and even adults!

Reseal after use for maximum freshness use within 7 days.


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